Monday, 24 November 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West

          God is the ultimate source of dominion but besides Him there are other avenues through which we can be connected to dominion as Christians. They include:

I) THE WORD OF GOD: (john 1:1) The word of God and God Himself are the same. The word of God carries the life and power of God (john 6:63). The word of God connects us to the power of God when we study and act on it. One who is full of the word of God is full of the power of God. The word of God is quick and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). The word of God can bring healing to the sick (psalm 107: 20). (Luke 5:17) when a man is full of the word, he is full of healing power. The word of God gives man dominion over sicknesses and diseases. A word from God is powerful enough to change a man's story and situation (Jeremiah 23:29).


*The word of God is received through revelation (Luke 4:11). It takes a spiritual understanding to uncover the mysteries of Gods word (Deuteronomy 29:29).

*It takes meekness and humility to get a revelation of Gods word. You must have a willing mind to learn Gods word.

* Meditation is a key to unlock Gods word. Meditation brings forth revelation of the secrets in Gods word. What a man meditates upon is who he eventually becomes. Meditation of Gods word gives us the life of God. Meditation of the word brings success (Joshua 1:8). Meditation creates way for an entrance of Gods word into our hearts.

* The blood of Jesus Christ grants us access to the word of God (revelations 5:4-5). The shed blood of Jesus on the cross grants us access to the word of God when we plead it in prayers before studying the bible.

II) PRAYER AND FASTING: Fervent prayers and fasting is a source of dominion over all facets of life. Prayers and fasting from the spirit grants us dominion (James 5: 16-17). Prophet Elijah was a man of prayers that worked in dominion (2kings 1:12). Jesus stressed the importance of fasting and prayers while on earth (Matthew 17:21). (Psalm 63: 1-3) Seeking God in fasting and prayers connects us to His power.
III) SURRENDER: To work in Gods power we must totally surrender to God as Jesus did on earth (John 5: 19-20, 30) (John 12:24). A total surrender of our personal will and ambitions to God is a guarantee to work in total dominion in Christ.

Monday, 17 November 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West

As Christians we are born of God and are in-dwelt by Him. To be able to walk in dominion, you must have the consciousness of the presence of God in you. As a consequence of knowledge of that fact, one can live a life above sin and a life of dominion here on earth. When you have the knowledge that God lives in you then you can overcome whatever challenge comes your way (1john 4:4).

          Success or failure is totally dependent on us as humans for God has given us all that pertains to life and godliness so we can be in total authority over our lives here on earth. As Christians we possess the life of God (Zoë) which knows no impossibility. Failure in the life of Christians can be linked to lack of knowledge and revelation of the word of God. Knowledge without revelation is meaningless. Revelation brings about manifestation. Revelations are keys to unlock and overcome challenges in life.

          God is a God of faith. He created the worlds and all that is within through faith. As children of God, we must exhibit the life of our Father; which is a life of faith, to work in dominion. The foundation of our faith as Christians is God who dwells in us. The faith of Christians is built in God's word (Romans 10:17).

          Righteousness is an important attribute we must possess to live a life of dominion (Romans 5:17). Righteousness is a gift from Jesus Christ by his death through salvation (2 Corinthians 5:21). It is not by our works that we are counted as righteous but by believing in the Son of God: Jesus Christ, and accepting Him into our lives. Righteousness gives Christians standing before the Father with no feeling of condemnation for sins (Romans 8:1). By righteousness we are made sons of God and can appear boldly before Him (Hebrews 4:16). Our relationship with God as Christians is of the simplicity of an earthly father and his child through righteousness. As born-again Christians, our past sin nature is broken through salvation and hence we can no longer be called sinners for we have inherited the righteousness of God.

Jesus Christ transferred all the authority and dominion here on earth to us as Christians (Matthew 28:18-19). With Christ in us we have Gods ability to dominate and conquer any challenge and as thus we need not God himself to come down and fight our battles for us.

Friday, 14 November 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West

Every mans success or failure in life is determined solely by himself. A man can decide to be or success or failure by his attitude actions and choices.

         One way that guarantees we walk in dominion is through our thoughts of how we see ourselves. The potential to walk in dominion starts in our state of mind. What you think of yourself is who you are; be it a success or a failure (proverbs 23:7). The state of your mind determines the state of your life. How you see yourself determines what you command and your placement in life. One that sees himself a failure cannot succeed by accident. A pessimist never takes risks that could lead to success. Our mental attitude determines our success or failure in life. It is the extent of what you see that God performs in your life (Jeremiah 1:11-13). It is vital you see yourself according to the pictures of Gods word about you. You must see yourself as made in the image and after the likeness of the Almighty God. Always have a possibility mentality in every challenge you are faced with. Look at every challenge as conquerable even if it seems not at that instant. Success might not come at a first try but you must not lose faith and keep pushing on. A child of God must have the mentality of a warrior.

          A mans thinking determines what he speaks; for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. What a man gives his time to determines what he thinks. What you concentrate on determines what you are filled with. Meditating on the word of God programs a mans mind and speech. David's God-like thinking generated his confidence to speak and challenge Goliath when all the soldiers of Israel feared him but in clear contrast of size between them, David defeated Goliath. We must always speak words of authority and not defeat: speak what you believe.

Walking in dominion requires actions in a corresponding direction. Our actions exhibit what we believe. God weighs our actions. Your actions show the true intent of your heart. We must take actions that reflect our dominion lifestyle as children of God. Our actions must correspond with what we boldly speak.

          God does not see anyone as a failure but as a success. He is a God of possibilities and nothing is impossible to Him and as His children, He has given us the same mentality so we can walk in dominion here on earth (Philippians 4:8).

Monday, 10 November 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West 
        God has made us to reign here on earth as kings and gods. God created the earth for us to rule because two kings cannot reign in the same domain in heaven (psalm 115) (Revelations 5:10). God has made us like himself as a King (genesis 1:26). The first man Adam had a vital connection with God but he lost it through sin. But God sent Jesus as the second Adam to restore our dominion and oneness with God through His death and resurrection (John 1:12). When you accept Jesus Christ into your life you connect to a sonship of God the father (2corinthians 5:17). Being born-again gives you the nature and the very life of God. It bor- again brings forth total inward transformation in a man. Salvation is a spiritual rebirth (john5:26). Jesus Christ, while on earth expressed the fullness of the life of God the Father. (1john5:10-12) Eternal life is given to man through salvation; which is believing and confessing the Lord Jesus Christ.
               Every born-again Christian should exhibit and live the life of God; which is Zoe. You must be conscious of who you are in Christ to reign. Being born-again grants you the power of an endless life for the real man is the spirit man and it is that is which is reborn; born of God (Hebrews 7:15-16). Salvation paves the way for God to live inside of you where He builds His tabernacle. The Life of God in man illuminates man's spirit and expels every darkness within (john 1:1-5). Illumination brings understanding and direction and breaks limitation (psalm 105:19). As a child of God, your body is God’s temple and dwelling place (1corinthians 3:16) (2corinthians 6:16)(1john 4:4).
                    Our mere human abilities and strength can never make us live a life of dominion except we let Christ dwell in us and we in Him and by His presence we receive the power to dominate. We must submit our flesh totally to God in every situation to carry His life and power in exchange (2Corinthians 4:10-11).
* As a Christian you must be conscious that you carry the life of God in your daily life. 
* You must speak according to what you believe. Confess boldly that you carry the life of God
* You must meditate on the word of God and declare who you are with understanding of the word.

Friday, 7 November 2014


Speaker: Pastor  Datonye                             

Dominion is the power to rule or control. Operating in dominion gives you sovereign authority over the kingdom of darkness (Luke 10:19). As Christians, we are empowered to work in dominion but to do that we must be bold and courageous (proverbs 28:1).

          As Christians, we possess a dominion potential already (genesis 1: 26-28). God created man for a purpose; which is to dominate and rule here on earth (psalm 8:6) (Hebrews 2:14). We are the body of Jesus Christ who has dominion over all things, even death. Jesus was slain on the cross so that the church of God may have dominion (revelations 5:12) (Romans 8:19)

           In order for us to work in dominion as Christians, we must recognize and manifest the power to dominate given to us by God (Ephesians 3:20). To dominate as Christians, we must enforce our ability to speak out for or against situations boldly by faith. Being born again is the only guarantee for humans to work in dominion as God has ordained for us (Daniel 11:32). You must know your appointed placement and place of authority with God to work in dominion (Matthew 16:18). Every child of God has a unique place of authority with God which he/she must discover. Peter recognized his place of authority in Christ and as thus he performed exploits working in Gods power (acts3:6). We must possess the love of God to work in dominion. The love of Christ for us brought about His death which made us to work in dominion as followers of Him. To exercise our power to dominate we must have a good partnership with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of dominion (Ezekiel 37:7-10). Jesus Christ sent us the Holy Ghost to dwell in us that we may dominate. The name of Jesus Christ is a weapon for dominion and we must be conscious of that name when faced with challenges (mark 16:17). Humility is an attribute of one who works in dominion. Jesus was most humble as to wash the feet of His disciples. The power of praise is another way to enforce dominion. Paul and Silas used of power of praise to dominate in their time of imprisonment and were set free.

          Wisdom of God is a principal thing we must possess to operate in dominion. Solomon operated in wisdom and as thus during His time he fought no war (Ecclesiastes 10:10). Jesus operated in the wisdom of God even much more than that of Solomon (Matthew 12:42).

Friday, 31 October 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is multifaceted; He has a role to play in every area of our lives. The Holy Spirit has a very important role to play in prayers (Romans 8:25-26). The Holy Spirit helps us intercede to God the Father because we do not know of all what we should pray for, even if we know how to pray.

 As humans, we pray only according to the five senses of the physical; which is a limitation for we do not see beyond the natural. The Holy Spirit helps us contact those things that are outside the reach of our natural senses because the physical things are controlled by the spiritual which is a greater realm. As God Himself, the Holy Spirit prays for us according to the will of God concerning us (1corinthians 2:9-10). (Hebrew 9:24) Jesus Christ makes intercession for us before the father in heaven. God gave us the earth for dominion; as thus, He needs a human body to perform administer His will on earth and that is the reason Jesus came in human flesh to fulfill Gods work for us (psalm 115:16). Post-ascension of Christ, our flesh is needed in prayers as keys for God to act for we are the bodies of Christ here on earth (Hebrews 10:1-5) but the flesh needs to be incorporated with the spirit to pray out the will of God and as a sign, we pray in unknown tongues (1corinthians 14:2). When we pray in an unknown tongue, the Holy Spirit speaks mysteries through us unto God in an encoded language only God understands except we are given revelation of it. Praying in unknown tongues builds us spiritually (1corinthians 14:4, 14). It helps us connect our spirits to the Spirit of God in prayers according to Gods will. The Holy Spirit prays for us in the prayer language of God. Praying in the spirit connects us to the supernatural realm of mysteries and there the powers of the enemy are effectively destroyed.

The ministry of Christ in us concerning prayers is accomplished when we pray to the Father in Christs name as the Holy Spirit gives us utterance. In every situation we pray for, when we pray in the spirit, He connects us to the perfect solution from God the Father concerning that situation. Praying in unknown tongues is the prime means of praying for people and events we dont even know have or will occur. As Christians, it is important to discover our individual prayer languages in the spirit which comes as a gift upon the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Thursday, 23 October 2014



Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West


Pentecost was referred to in the Old Testament as the feast of weeks and harvest. In the New Testament, the day of Pentecost marked the mighty entrance of the Holy Spirit upon earth as Jesus promised before His ascension (John16:7-15)(John15:26). Jesus promised of another comforter that would come into us to abide forever (luke24:49). John the Baptist predicted the coming of Jesus Christ to baptize us in the Holy Ghost and with fire (Matthew 3:11). Jesus came to bring forth the kingdom of God unto the earth and not a physical kingdom as the disciples earlier thought (acts 1:1-8).

The baptism of the Holy Ghost was for Jesus Christ disciples to be witnesses unto His resurrection with power to do signs and wonders as evidence. All of Jesus works on earth was by the power of the Holy Spirit and thus He sent forth that same Holy Ghost on the 120 disciples on the day of Pentecost. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is an initiation into the supernatural realm of God causing us to work in Gods power here on earth. The Holy Ghost is the unlimited power and glory of Christ living in us as Christians. On the day of Pentecost, the church of Jesus Christ was born.

The purpose of Pentecost is to bring in the harvest of souls to the kingdom of God. The signs and wonders that follow the baptism of the Holy Ghost is for the witnessing of Jesus Christ to the world for soul winning. (Matthew 24:14) The second coming of Christ is as a function of the outreach of the gospel to the uttermost ends of the earth. As Christians we are baptized in the Holy Ghost to be world changers for Jesus Christ and it is our duty to witness His resurrection with the power of the Holy Ghost working in us to do signs and wonders as evidence that our Lord Jesus Christ lives.

Friday, 17 October 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West
In order to possess your possessions in Christ, you must understand who you are. Your membership of a family connects you to its heritage and entitlement in that family and this applies in the spiritual as well. God created the earth and all in it for His children for our inheritance. Your connection to God gives you access to what He owns; by your membership of His kingdom. God gives on the basis of our love for him even as an earthly father passes down heritage according to his love for his children (1corinthians 2:9) (john 14:15). The way to prove our love for God is by keeping His commandments. You must have knowledge of your inheritance from God in order to possess it (Ephesians 1:17-18).
As Christians, We are branches emerging from a root in Jesus Christ (john 10:15). We are connected to the inheritance from God the father through Christ (john 20:21). Heaven is the original hometown of Christians and so is our inheritance from above. Until you discover who you are as a Christian, you can’t inherit anything from God. (2peter 1:3-4). Salvation is the life of God in a man and not just an escape route to heaven from hell. (John 10:35). It takes understanding to know who you are and what is available as your heritage. Redemption is the only key to all that God has. Our inheritances have been paid for by the death and resurrection of Christ. We are joint heirs in Christ in the manner of a joint ownership venture, thus we own Gods inheritance in the same measure and coequally with Christ (romans8).
An equally relevant means to access our inheritance in God is the word of God (acts 20:32). You must be built up in God’s word to acquire what God has in store for us; salvation alone isn’t enough (job 22:21-25). The Holy bible is the written code to unlock, understand and live as who and what we are as Christians.

Sunday, 12 October 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West

The major reason why the Holy Spirit came is to give life. The Holy Spirit was actively involved in creation (genesis 1:1-3) (john1:1-4). The spirit of God is the life-giving spirit (2corinthians 3:5-6). The Holy Spirit came also to renew both the heavens and the earth (job 26:13) (psalm 104:30). He is the renewer of the lives of men. The Holy Spirit was sent forth to form the creatures of the earth (job 26:13) He gave them their attributes and also directs them. (Psalm 104:26-30).

The Holy Spirit gave life to us humans (job 33:4) (genesis 2:7) (job 27:3). He is the one who gave us our personality traits and features (psalm 139:14). He made us distinct and unique in our features. The Holy Spirit came to give us the word of God for direction, as food for our spirits and as an order of life. (Ephesians 6:17). The word of God is the sword of the spirit. He came to be the force, power and life behind the word of God (john 6:63). The Holy Spirit made salvation possible (john 16:8). He brings revival to the circumstances of men (Isaiah 32:15). He came to free us from sin, disease and death (Romans 8:1-2). The spirit of life passed unto all men from Christ. The Holy Spirit is the life of God dwelling in every believer (john 14:17).

It is vital to acknowledge the Holy Spirit of God brought Jesus to life on earth (Matthew 1:18-20) (Luke 1:35) as thus can make alive our aspirations and dead situations. He came to set the captives free and break yolks and burdens of men (Isaiah 10:27). He is the spirit of revelation (1corinthians 2:10-13). He came to help our weaknesses in prayers (Romans 8:26-27). The Holy Spirit came so we might have dreams and visions giving us purpose in life (Joel 2:28-30).

Sunday, 5 October 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West
The Holy Spirit is a divine person. What makes you a person is not the body but the characteristics you possess. Jesus described the spirit as a person by use of personal pronouns (john14:15-17) (luke2:25). Jesus spoke of being the first comforter before the Holy Spirit. The comforter does the job of advocacy, director, helper, counselor to guide us.(John 14:26). The Holy Spirit teaches as reminds us of God’s word. The Holy Spirit is a supernatural being (Matthew 28:19). (2corinthians 3:17).




1) He speaks (Revelation 2:7). (Acts 14:2). He brings down the voice of the Father to our spirit level. He communicates as God with men.

2) He has a reasoning ability (1corinthians 2:10) (Isaiah 11:1-2). He is a spirit of wisdom and understanding and knowledge. He has a mind of his own (Romans 8:26-27).

3) The spirit of God prays for us (Romans 8:26). He helps us pray for even those needs we don’t know we have.

4) The spirit has a will and can make decisions (1corinthians 12:4-7, 11). He chooses what gift to give to whom He wills it.

5) The Spirit has emotions (Romans 15:30) (Matthew 3:5). The Spirit can show love, grief, joy, anger, pain e.t.c. for He is tender-hearted.

6) The Spirit teaches (john14:26). Jesus spoke of the coming of the Holy Ghost to remind and teach us of all things.

7) He testifies and promotes Jesus to us. (john15:26).

8) The Holy Spirit guides (john 16: 7-13).

9) The spirit calls men into ministry (acts 13:2).

10) He comforts believers (acts 9:31)

11) He can be insulted (Hebrews 10: 28-29). Despising the Holy Spirit attracts punishment. The Holy Spirit does not forgive; as thus one must be careful as not to mock exhibition of spiritual gifts.

12) He can be lied to. (Acts 5: 3-4). Ananias and his wife lost their lives as a result of lying to the Holy Ghost.

    It is important to recognize the Holy Spirit as a person as believers so we can optimize our sonship with God. He is the most important person in the life of the believer. We don’t pray to the spirit but rather fellowship with Him, thus opening doors into the supernatural realm.

Friday, 3 October 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West

Text: Matthew 29:19


The Holy Spirit is the power of God head. The Holy Spirit is God, He is the absolute of God (Hebrew 9:14) (1corinthians 2:10, Luke 1:35, Acts 8, Psalm 139:7, Genesis 1:1-8; Job 3:13, Genesis 2:7). The Spirit of God is the one that gave mankind life.

The Holy Spirit was the one that helped the Jesus in his early ministry (Luke 3:21-22). The Holy Spirit is our comforter; He is the joy of the father. The Holy Spirit is the best friend we ever wish to have. (John14:15-16).The Holy Spirit is God at work: creating, speaking, transforming us, living within us, and working in us. Although the Holy Spirit can do this work without our knowledge, it is helpful for us to know more.

The Holy Spirit has the attributes of God, is co-equal with God and does work that only God does. Like God, the Spirit is holy; so holy that insulting the Spirit is just as sinful as trampling the Son of God under foot (Hebrews 10:29). Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin (Matthew 12:32), this indicates that the Spirit is holy by nature rather than having an assigned holiness such as the temple had. Like God, the Holy Spirit is eternal (Hebrews 9:14). Like God, the Holy Spirit is present everywhere (Psalm 139:7-9). Like God, the Holy Spirit knows everything (1 Corinthians 2:10-11; John 14:26). The Holy Spirit creates (Job 33:4; Psalm 104:30) and empowers miracles (Matthew 12:28; Romans 15:18-19), doing the work or ministry of God.

The Holy Bible refers to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as equally divine. In a discussion of spiritual gifts, Paul puts the Spirit, the Lord, and God in parallel constructions (1 Corinthians 12:4-6). He closes a letter with a three-part prayer (2 Corinthians 13:14). Peter begins a letter with a different three-part formula (1 Peter 1:2). These are not proof of unity, but they support it. The baptismal formula has a stronger indication of unity:in the name [singular] of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). The three have one name, suggesting one essence and being. When the Holy Spirit does something, God is doing it. When the Holy Spirit speaks, God is speaking. When Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit, he lied to God (Acts 5:3-4). As Peter said, Ananias did not lie to Gods representative, but to God himself. People do not lie to an impersonal power. In one passage, Paul says that Christians are Gods temple (1 Corinthians 3:16); in another he says that we are a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). A temple is for the worship of a divine being, not an impersonal power. When Paul writes temple of the Holy Spirit, he implies that the Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit and God are also equated in Acts 13:2: The Holy Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.Here, the Holy Spirit speaks with personal pronouns, speaking as God. Similarly, the Holy Spirit says that the Israelites tested and tried me; the Holy Spirit says that I was angry... They shall never enter my rest (Hebrews 3:7-11). But the Holy Spirit is not just another name for God. The Holy Spirit is distinct from the Father and the Son, as shown in Jesus baptism (Matthew 3:16-17). The three are distinct, but one. The Holy Spirit does the work of God in our lives. We are born of God (John 1:12), which is the same as being born of the Spirit (John 3:5). The Holy Spirit is the means by which God lives in us (Ephesians 2:22; 1 John 3:24; 4:13). The Holy Spirit lives in us (Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 3:16)and because the Spirit lives in us, we can say that God lives in us.


Monday, 29 September 2014


Text:  Mark 4:1, 2corinthians 8:9, Galatians 13:14, Deuteronomy 15: 28,


All of God's provisions for His children are hidden in mysteries. Understanding the mysteries of the provisions gives us mastery over them. Mysteries are secrets of the kingdom of God. Jesus proclaimed the understanding of the mysteries to Gods children (mark4:11).

            Financial prosperity is part of our covenant inheritances as children of God (2corinthians 8:9). Redemption connects us to the covenant (Galatians 3:13). Poverty is a curse of the law which Jesus redeemed Gods children from and thus connected us to the blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:29). It is not as relevant to know what is available in Gods kingdom as to be able to access it.



Financial fortune is delivered only on the platform of the covenant (Deuteronomy 8:18). A covenant is a spiritual platform where you commit God to fulfill His promise by our obedience of faith. (psalm29:34). God cannot break His covenant.

Gods covenant cover in all areas of life, not just financial prosperity (Philippians 4:19). The practice of Gods covenant also covers:


1).Your Health, It Helps You Sustain Good Health (Psalm 41:1-3)

2). It Averts the Curses of This Earth (Genesis 3: 23)

3). It Brings Divine Protection (Psalm 20:1), (Job 22:21-5)

4). Supernatural Fruitfulness (Genesis 18:1), (2king 4:1)

5). It Confirms Generational Blessings (Psalm 112:1)

6). Divine Favor (Genesis 3:21), (Exodus 3:1-12)

7). It Delivers You the Rain Of Divine Ideas (Genesis 26:12).



1). Give willingly (2corinthians 8:12)(1corinthians 9:17). Make love a motivation for giving. (1king 3:3-5).

2). Give joyfully. (Deuteronomy 28:47).

     Financial fortune is not an entitlement but a trust. The weight of financial resources God confers to you is proportional to the weight of your dreams to promote Gods kingdom with it (Zechariah 1:17)



1). Spirituality (psalm 112:1-3) (3john 1:2). (Job 29: 1-6)

2). Obedience of faith (job 36:11) (Isaiah 1:19) (Romans 4: 1-3, 16-21) (Deuteronomy 28:1).

3). The love for God (1corinthians 2: 9). (1chronicles 29: 3-4).

4). Giving as a product of divine favor. Declaration of prosperity should follow giving (Joshua 1:8)

5). The anointing of God

6). Thanksgiving (psalm 67:5)

7). Service to God (exodus 23:25).

Saturday, 27 September 2014

The Power Of Faith-Filled Words

If we want to start seeing the power of God manifest in our lives, we will have to start paying attention to what we say. Words have power—more than any of us realize, but we often speak them as though they are meaningless. Because of that, most believers at one time or another have been hung by their tongue.
Matthew 12:36-37 says,
“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”
“Every idle word” simply means nonproductive. These are words that you speak but don’t believe. For example, you might say, “I’m dying to see my grandchildren.” You really don’t mean you’re dying, but you say it anyway to emphasize the importance of the relationship.

Every time you say things that you don’t really mean, it begins to numb your heart. Unconsciously, each idle word is making it just a little bit harder to believe what you say will actually come to pass when you mean it and it really counts.
Jesus certainly understood the power of words, and He used them to change the natural things around him.
Mark 11:13-14 and 20-24 say,
“And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it…. And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
I can almost hear the inflections in Peter’s voice when he said, “The fig tree You cursed is withered away.” I am sure it communicated surprise and disbelief. And when Jesus replied to Peter, it probably was not in a monotone voice. It was more like, “PETER! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?” Jesus was amazed at his unbelief. He was saying, “It shouldn’t shock you to see this tree withered. Have faith in God.”

Then He went on to explain that this wasn’t limited to a fig tree. He used a mountain as an example, but I believe it could apply to anything. He was making the point that if we say it with our mouths and believe it in our hearts, we can have what we say.
He also made it very clear who qualified to use words in this way: He said, “whosoever shall say.” Are you a whosoever? Because if you are and if you’re breathing, then you’re qualified, and your words can affect the natural as well as the spiritual world.
Jesus used the word “say” or “saith” three times in verse 23. He was making it clear that words have power. But He also said to have faith in God. The words that have power are words that are filled with faith. And it’s important to understand that the faith they’re filled with is not your human faith.
Galatians 2:20 says,
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

I’m aware that the NIV says “faith in the son of God.” But when you study this out, it becomes very clear that it is talking about the very faith of God that He placed in you when you were born again. In fact, you can’t even be born again by your own faith. Romans 10:17 say that faith comes by the Word, and 1 Peter 1:23 says you are born again by the Word of God.

If you can’t even believe for salvation with our human faith, how could we possible use it for other things like healing or prosperity? It’s super important that you understand this. If you don’t know this, you will always be looking to others to pray for you. You’ll always think that they have more faith than you do, and because of that, God will act on your behalf when they pray. That’s wrong, and it’s the reason many Christians are looking to man instead of God for their answers.
This article was contributed by Andrew Wommack