Friday, 17 October 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West
In order to possess your possessions in Christ, you must understand who you are. Your membership of a family connects you to its heritage and entitlement in that family and this applies in the spiritual as well. God created the earth and all in it for His children for our inheritance. Your connection to God gives you access to what He owns; by your membership of His kingdom. God gives on the basis of our love for him even as an earthly father passes down heritage according to his love for his children (1corinthians 2:9) (john 14:15). The way to prove our love for God is by keeping His commandments. You must have knowledge of your inheritance from God in order to possess it (Ephesians 1:17-18).
As Christians, We are branches emerging from a root in Jesus Christ (john 10:15). We are connected to the inheritance from God the father through Christ (john 20:21). Heaven is the original hometown of Christians and so is our inheritance from above. Until you discover who you are as a Christian, you can’t inherit anything from God. (2peter 1:3-4). Salvation is the life of God in a man and not just an escape route to heaven from hell. (John 10:35). It takes understanding to know who you are and what is available as your heritage. Redemption is the only key to all that God has. Our inheritances have been paid for by the death and resurrection of Christ. We are joint heirs in Christ in the manner of a joint ownership venture, thus we own Gods inheritance in the same measure and coequally with Christ (romans8).
An equally relevant means to access our inheritance in God is the word of God (acts 20:32). You must be built up in God’s word to acquire what God has in store for us; salvation alone isn’t enough (job 22:21-25). The Holy bible is the written code to unlock, understand and live as who and what we are as Christians.

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