Monday, 24 November 2014


Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West

          God is the ultimate source of dominion but besides Him there are other avenues through which we can be connected to dominion as Christians. They include:

I) THE WORD OF GOD: (john 1:1) The word of God and God Himself are the same. The word of God carries the life and power of God (john 6:63). The word of God connects us to the power of God when we study and act on it. One who is full of the word of God is full of the power of God. The word of God is quick and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). The word of God can bring healing to the sick (psalm 107: 20). (Luke 5:17) when a man is full of the word, he is full of healing power. The word of God gives man dominion over sicknesses and diseases. A word from God is powerful enough to change a man's story and situation (Jeremiah 23:29).


*The word of God is received through revelation (Luke 4:11). It takes a spiritual understanding to uncover the mysteries of Gods word (Deuteronomy 29:29).

*It takes meekness and humility to get a revelation of Gods word. You must have a willing mind to learn Gods word.

* Meditation is a key to unlock Gods word. Meditation brings forth revelation of the secrets in Gods word. What a man meditates upon is who he eventually becomes. Meditation of Gods word gives us the life of God. Meditation of the word brings success (Joshua 1:8). Meditation creates way for an entrance of Gods word into our hearts.

* The blood of Jesus Christ grants us access to the word of God (revelations 5:4-5). The shed blood of Jesus on the cross grants us access to the word of God when we plead it in prayers before studying the bible.

II) PRAYER AND FASTING: Fervent prayers and fasting is a source of dominion over all facets of life. Prayers and fasting from the spirit grants us dominion (James 5: 16-17). Prophet Elijah was a man of prayers that worked in dominion (2kings 1:12). Jesus stressed the importance of fasting and prayers while on earth (Matthew 17:21). (Psalm 63: 1-3) Seeking God in fasting and prayers connects us to His power.
III) SURRENDER: To work in Gods power we must totally surrender to God as Jesus did on earth (John 5: 19-20, 30) (John 12:24). A total surrender of our personal will and ambitions to God is a guarantee to work in total dominion in Christ.

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