Speaker: Pastor Henry Tobin-West
God has made us to reign here on earth as kings and gods. God created the earth for us to rule because two kings cannot reign in the same domain in heaven (psalm 115) (Revelations 5:10). God has made us like himself as a King (genesis 1:26). The first man Adam had a vital connection with God but he lost it through sin. But God sent Jesus as the second Adam to restore our dominion and oneness with God through His death and resurrection (John 1:12). When you accept Jesus Christ into your life you connect to a sonship of God the father (2corinthians 5:17). Being born-again gives you the nature and the very life of God. It bor- again brings forth total inward transformation in a man. Salvation is a spiritual rebirth (john5:26). Jesus Christ, while on earth expressed the fullness of the life of God the Father. (1john5:10-12) Eternal life is given to man through salvation; which is believing and confessing the Lord Jesus Christ.
Every born-again Christian should exhibit and live the life of God; which is Zoe. You must be conscious of who you are in Christ to reign. Being born-again grants you the power of an endless life for the real man is the spirit man and it is that is which is reborn; born of God (Hebrews 7:15-16). Salvation paves the way for God to live inside of you where He builds His tabernacle. The Life of God in man illuminates man's spirit and expels every darkness within (john 1:1-5). Illumination brings understanding and direction and breaks limitation (psalm 105:19). As a child of God, your body is God’s temple and dwelling place (1corinthians 3:16) (2corinthians 6:16)(1john 4:4).
Our mere human abilities and strength can never make us live a life of dominion except we let Christ dwell in us and we in Him and by His presence we receive the power to dominate. We must submit our flesh totally to God in every situation to carry His life and power in exchange (2Corinthians 4:10-11).
* As a Christian you must be conscious that you carry the life of God in your daily life.
* You must speak according to what you believe. Confess boldly that you carry the life of God
* You must meditate on the word of God and declare who you are with understanding of the word.
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